laid back stereo power amp

Looking for a laid back "forgiving" stereo power amp to drive Maggie 1.7i s through a Van Alstine Transcendence 10 tube preamp. thanks.
The Van Alstine Vision SET 400 is about as good as your going to get at that price level and a match since you have Frank's preamp.  $1999 for the black version with a 30 day money back guaranty.  The Odyssey is also a great option with Maggies but Klaus' build time is months nowadays. 
 jackd : RIGHT! Talked to Frank V. today.Told him my story and that I was thinking about the 400hybrid. He talked me out of it, saying the SET 400 would do the job. For some crazy reason, I hadn't read any reviews of V.A.components other than my preamp. I read three reviews and, lo and behold,there were those words,"warmer","darker","rich midrange","smooth and liquid";"no glare, grain or edginess";"touch of warmth," harsh recordings......more enjoyable","tube like","forgiving". I ordered it. Thanks jjss49,tomic601 and jackd,and thanks to everyone else who cared enough to make the effort to help!