Russellrencom,from time to time I like to rant.Like TAS it is just some entertainment.I don't really take myself all that seriously.Seriously!
Jtinn--Since you have come under criticism,and scrutiny,of your own,in the past,I'll be as polite as I can.Also,I kind of like you,from reading past posts.
I don't own a Radia!The Dartzeel could not have been a prototype,as the show attendee offered me a chance to become a dealer,and all I did was show up in a room to hear a nice little amp,upon purchase of something like 5 units.This would have been improper business practice,as to begin marketing a product in prototype form sort of smacks from "not so hot" business practice!You don't have to believe any of this,but that is EXACTLY the way it went down!Though I'm sure the guy IS a nice guy,he was probably trying a bit too hard to get the product off the ground.I totally understand,yet still can't(and won't) get past something like 18 grand for a single chasis 100 watter,hence the Radia comparison(which goes for a 9500 figure).It(the Radia) has gotten great press,and seems to be a stunning design,though STILL not cheap.
I NEVER state,or imply anything in my own set-up is best,as to me,those who do that lose some credibility.Everyone likes their own stuff.It's human nature to rationalize one's own buying decisions,which is just fine with me.I do it too.
The best amp,IMO,that I've ever heard,and I've heard it alot,is the Lamm 1.2(I hope I got the model # correct.The monoblock 22 wpc model).I own a modded ROWLAND,which I love,yet I'm sure it is not the best,and who cares anyway.I have the sound I've been aspiring to get,after being at this perplexing hobby for a bit of time.
As to HP,I have some knowledge of some goings on at Sea Cliff(I DO have SOME friends,still),and all in all I owe alot to HP.To me HP seems played out.Not that I blame him.Also TAS is a shell of what it once was,and that is probably the lions share of my diatribe.Sorry!!
Sorry about the rant,yet I kinda liked it!