Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???

Looking for good advice and pros/cons, listening experiences, etc...with any or all of the above computer-based audio ripping/server based platforms.  Important things for me are balanced outputs, clock input, ability to rip both RBCD (CD, XRCD, XRCD2, XRCD24) and SACD (native, not the RBCD layer) and if possible the 2-channel DVD-Audio disc content I have.  Need large in-box as well as network attached storage potential with some form of redundancy (think high-availability/fault-tolerance), use of RAID or some other approach (local cloud).  Thanks in advance for the help!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE my LampizatOr DSD Komputer!  This is my review on it that just went live:

Give it a read and let me know what you think!


Juan,...thank you very much for the detailed comments and listening impressions of this unit! Did you get a dual-AES board installed as an option or are you sticking with straight USB?
Hi Zephyr,

You're very welcome!  I am unfamiliar with the dual-AES board.  That said, I simply use straight USB, which Lukasz insisted was the best way to go with the LampizatOr Lite 7 DAC when I had questioned him about possibly using other inputs into the DAC -- especially in regards to DSD.  

