Lampizator question

Why so much Lampizator gears for sale those years ???
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xroccl007
Fred I had a response I sent a while ago and it was before you write this... It still hung up by the mods before your response. I will let you read that first...
Buy an ayre. They provide updates at reasonable pricing and sound amazing for half the money. I bought my dac as a demo for 1800 6 years ago and now with the dsd update I could get 2400 for it. What they are charging for new lampizators is obscene as is the case with a lot of things in this hobby.
Fred there was no personal assault on you!!
Ya you are kind of collateral damage here I guess but it wasn't pointed at you at all. I was thinking of you as not in this being the dealer but your the US Distributor so I guess although it wasn't meant toward you i guess you end up with some unintended shrapnel wounds out of this.

Sorry bro my point was to call out the former soviet union eastern block partner that just keeps popping out these top of the line dacs. I love us dealers and by seeing how many of these DACs are out there you must be doing ok so not sure you qualify as a struggling hi-fi dealer that I love to root for and support but you are known for great service and you are good guys and I didn't mean for you to catch the collateral damage but being the US distributor for Lampi im sure your gonna be ok but please know and my wording shows this that the shot was intended at Poland not NJ.

It's a hi fi audio forum for audiophiles to share their thoughts, ideas and opinions and he must have known at some point someone was gonna say something. You are right he is lucky to have such a good partner in the US doing all the heavy lifting or there probably would have been a lot more of this.

I have heard a number of Lampizators at shows--most recently the 7 at the NY Stereophile show. What a remarkable sounding piece. If Mr. Fikus constantly tinkers to upgrade, so be it. If he comes out with a new one every year, so be it. That's how the latest units became so good now and how future units will be even better. Don't own one--but maybe someday if I'm lucky. I would not attribute any worse intentions on his part than I would at someone like Gabriel Caelin at Shunyata. It seems every 2 years I have to trade up my conditioner or pcs cause he keeps fairly rapidly making them better. That's cause he is never done--although I can stop at any time and be happy with what I have.
Lampizator is not a gear flipper dac...its a destination purchase.

If you are going into it thinking resale value, you just dont get it. Simply tagging on the lable, DSD ready is NOT going to cut it against Lampi DSD.

Elberoth on 3 separate forums has posted about his DSD Only Big 7, this is a guy who also owns a Trinty Dac ($50K). AL has a $35K MSB Platinum stack and has TWO Level 7 Lampizators, as well as a Hugo and a Direct stream. Guess which is his favourite Dac. Bruce Brown from Puget Sound changed out his PBD Dac for a Level 4 DSD only and is thinking of getting a L7 DSD only. Finally I know of someone swapping out a dCs stack for a Golden gate Lampi. Lampi plays in these leagues for a LOT less money.
Unless you tried it, you just dont know. And if resale value is your concern then continue on the merry-go-round.

R&D and superb service costs (HUGE investment) money and if there is no margin, then there is no business. Attribute the good deal on 2nd hand market to people getting bitten and trding up, becuse the want MORE of the same. You cant upgrade a signal tube Dac to a DHT dac. The topology is just not compatible, so in essence the B7 shared the name as say a big 5, but they are fundamentally different.