Laserdisc Dynamics vs Blu Ray

I've done a lot of research lately on the merits of Laserdisc. A number of people have suggested that a Dolby PCM Surround track sounds much better then DVD and even in some respects better then Blu Ray.

I understand the DVD vs Laserdisc comparison because of the resolution and lack of compression found on Laserdisc in Dolby PCM and even DTS. What I've found interesting is that Laserdisc used Theatrical Audio Cuts while DVD and Blu Ray use watered down Studio mixes for the home. The theory being that many users will use cheaper speakers and television's as their primary audio sources. A Theatrical Audio cut offers dynamics most systems couldn't endure, therefore the mix down.

Can anybody share experiences? Has anybody compared a Lossless Blu Ray presentation vs an older Laserdisc Dolby Surround cut on a decent setup?
I think its a dead arguement seeing as even if the audio isnt quite as good (I am not sure I beleive this) its the video that more than makes up for any true degradation in sound. I had a LD player like many others and it was great in its day but that day is gone and there is no point watching something that makes me feel like my eyes need to be checked.
Unless I could not get the movie ANYWHERE else.
I think some of the vintage crowd is fixated on the romance of anything past and convinces themselves its still a great format and argues many times its better. But somethings are better left to history no matter how "cool" somebody thinks they are.
Taking into account that audio "sounds" different to different people and having grown through the Laserdisk era and into the DVD era (and yes I still own a laserdisk player) I can categorically state that that the audio on DVDs and Bluerays sounds me. Saying that the audio on a DVD sounds a "bit" better is like saying that a knife is just a bit more deadly than an atomic bomb. No comparison.

I used to get this from the Betamax crowd from time to time. Betamax audio reproduction is the "highhest form of analog recording and playback. Now though I don't still own my Betamax, at the time this argument was going around I tested it. And though it sounded reasonable it in no way could hold water next to a good reel to reel system and certainly not to recorded vinyl.

So, sound quality is certainly in the ears of the beholder but I don't think audiophiles are going to rush out and buy laserdisk players and scrap their blueray players anytime soon....
I guess us ole' LD fans haven't faded away yet,huh?
So much of this is our memories,our first taste of this surround sound thing.
Back then I had the Meridian 656/7.1 and Aerial 10 t's and it was dynamic and my ears were better then. My LD player was the Theta Data3 Just because time marches on we can still hold onto our memories.

Have you done a direct comparison of say Mission Impossible on LD vs it's DVD counterpart? Or Perhaps Apocalypse Now? I ask because while there is very little debate about blu ray outside of better dynamics on LD (Theatrical cut vs Home Users) I've heard many state that DVD is simply inferior as it's resolution is compressed and LD isn't. I guess it would be the comparison of MP3 5.1 vs. PCM 2.0 remixed into 4 channel.