Leave it on or turn it off?

I have a Classe CA-301 amp. When I leave it on 24/7 it gets very very hot(SPACE HEATER). If I only turn it on when I'm listening to music it stays quite a bit cooler. What are the long term advantages to just leaving it on?(If any) Thanks in advance.
Thanks guys and girls for your take. When I first got the amp home I left it on for two weeks straight. I must admit it sounded very warm and friendly but it would almost burn you if you touched it. I am currently turning the amp off but may consider leaving it on during the winter months to heat the bedroom. I must admit this amp goes through some changes everytime I turn it on (Funny mechanical clicks and pops for the first 10 minutes same for shut down) As a rule I think Classe wants you to leave the stuff on. All of my other Classe manuals say 300 hours warm up time on Dacs,pre-amps and intergrated amps though I have not seen the manual on this amp yet.

I did notice the power bill was a little higher this month and yes I am a CA resident DANG IT!!!

I prefer to turn my amp off when not in use. I have a Classe Omicron, and it runs hotter then I'd like (no AC), but seems to reach near optimum sound within two or three hours of playing music through it. If I know I'll be listening on back to back evenings, such as a week end, I may leave it on for 2 or 3 days, but not 7x24. 1439 states the classic reasons for leaving an amp on, or other components for that matter. However, if your amp runs so hot that its uncomfortable to touch, I can't believe that running it 7x24 with that much heat is a good thing either.
Some very interesting viewpoints. I never turn my equipment off. I would be willing to bet that 95 percent of equipment problems occur within 5 minutes of turn on. I know that is true for me.

One of the reasons why I am able to leave my equipment on all the time is that it is all solid state. I purchased a tube amp and preamp not too long ago and I sold them, on Audiogon of course, because I did not like not being able to listen to music on demand.

I do understand the environmental viewpoints that have been posted in regard to this topic. Most of the equipment that I own run in a standby mode when not in use.
As another CA resident, I must also take brown out into consideration when the voltage dropped below 90V. I used to leave my pre-amps and Marantz SA-1 on all the time until I blew the fuses 3 times in a row since the summer started. For those who owns the SA-1, a blown fuse means at least 2 weeks of down time since the fuse is hidden inside the power supply and is not a user-servicable part. To me, the sonic improvement simply isn't worth it (at least when we are still in the crisis situation).