Led Zeppelin 11

Better Records has a just in Led Zeppelin 11 for a poultry $2499, but it's a white hot stamper!


Not to be too much of a dweeb, but the word is spelled paltry.  And yeah, I continue to be dazed and confused by the prices these frizbees fetch, no matter how many hours it obviously takes to hand-carve them. And don't give me heat for seemingly implying that that gentle number.is on the second album, not the first...

Jeez excuse me for living, so I learned something, I’m not an English major, and it was not a joke or no joke, stole that from Biden. People have butchered posts far worse than mine....the point I’m trying to make is its a crazy expensive record and his copy is the most expensive I’ve seen. Now I will go to the blackboard and write the word PALTRY 100 times, after the nun is through wacking my knuckles....tough crowd...

I am generally looking for feedback on whether this record for sale at better records is worth the $2499 asking price...will it retain or even go up in value due to the fact that it is not only a good copy, but also a "white hot Stamper"? A good investment or crazy spending?