Legacy Audio AERIS: RMAF/listening impressions?

I made a trip to Legacy this past week to hear this speaker in a non-show environment which would also afford more time to listen and hear music that I took with me. I don't see alot in the way of RMAF postings here as yet and would like to hear people's impressions of this speaker as I thought it an amazing speaker with huge potential. I've started a section on my system thread for anyone that wants to add material or please put your thoughts and impressions here. Thanks!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Zephyr thanks for sending us updated pics they look great in your audio room Enjoy !
Ctsooner....i hear what you are saying and am one of those guys too when it comes to manufacturers that give the best customer service as well as build/sound quality in addition to quality audio dealers and loyalty to same. I've been to a few dealers in various cities and states that despite what one drives in, looks like, can really spend, etc...(or even sounds like if the initial contact is via phone) seem to treat their customers like we are not worth their time and if we don't go bonkers over their latest darling system or manufacturer choices, that we are simply kicking tires otherwise. I say stay strong and keep looking for the good guys wherever they may be, then support them without question from that point onward!

Cobraman: Great to hear from you; hope you are enjoying the Aeris as well; let me know how you like them now that they must have a good amount of hours on them!
Ctsooner.. I have had the same experience over the years . I hate when someone is judging me on how I look or what I am driving hell I am in the Propane Gas Industry sometimes I cant get ride of the Propane smell lol... I live about one hour north of Hartford CT.. A few weeks ago I was in Hartford and I Stopped by The Stereo shop on Farmington Ave Having never been there before was not sure what to expect ended up having a great experience there I was told to make myself at home and try out anything I would like to.. Ended up talking with the salesman for a few hours by the time I was ready to leave I felt right at home if I was in the market for some McIntosh gear I would buy it there ...never been to Audio Connection but also sounds like a great place..
Zephyr...Hi yeah have been putting some hours on my Aeris and loving it. As great as Aeris midrange is (right out of the box) all I can say is it just keeps getting better. Had some audio friends over the other day and put some Johnny A. ON (A local Boston guy )and let my big VTL tube amps flex some muscle on Aeris midrange... never heard a Gibson Guitar sound so incredible...Is Aeris perfect no what is ? however when it comes to audio Aeris is the best purchase I have ever made.
Cobraman: I definitely hear what you are saying. My personal opinion is that AERIS is a wake-up call to the high-end audio industry. I think properly staged and cabled, it will make a lot of higher-end ($$$) contenders sit up and take notice (and lose a lot of sleep which is overdue given their much higher prices!!!). Legacy's best work to date without a doubt; more is reported to be on the way as well...