length of interconnects for passive preamp

I understand that when using a passive preamp short interconnects are recommended. I have two questions before I purchase them: Does that short length requirement apply to both the ic between the source and passive as well as the passive and the amp? And regarding the length itself, is the shortest always best? I see that some companies offer a 1 foot or even 6" length - which I could use, although it would require some serious rearranging of my equipment; but will those very short lengths provide a noticeable improvement over a 1.5 meter or 2 foot ic? Not sure if there is a rule of thumb. Many thanks!

My passive sucked the life out of my system when I was using very inefficient speakers and monoblocks, which required  3 meter ICs.

Ideally we change only 1 thing at a time.

I recently switched to very sensitive speakers (horns) and a stereo amp  and the passive sounds great even with the same ICs.

I suspect that the input impedance of the power amps play a role, and the gain of the amplifiers also okay a role.

the reason for my q was I want to purchase shorter interconnects to get it to sound even better (and the fact that I do not require this length). I will purchase 1 meter or .5 meter ICs - question is what brand - to be honest I do not quite understand the specifics of some of the previous posts but want to express my thanks and appreciation for your contributions. 

I would purchase the cheapest Amazon cable, or what you already have in a Red/White/yellow set.
And use that as a baseline in an A/B test.

The Wonka mentioned these earlier 

Personally I would not be using anything that is more $ than that, and they are at my edge of what I can tolerate in terms of marketing foo.

It would be best if you could try them before committing.
And whether you hear a difference or not… it would be good see your feedback.

@holmz - as I said in my previous post

Granted - using as short a cable as possible will reduce capacitance and inductance

So I guess we agree ! - to some extent 🖕

BTW my statement 

  • using any old piece of wire is defeating the purpose of having a passive pre in the first place

I was not quoting you,  I was just trying ot highlight the point - my apologies for the mis-use of bolded text

Regards - Steve

@majorc RE:

I want to purchase shorter interconnects to get it to sound even better

A better qulaity cable like those offered by Zavfino of 0.5 or 1 meter long will help to achieve your goal.

Also - what speaker cables are you using?

Regards - Steve


The speakers cables were made for me by a local tech and I do not have the specs. I will report back after I try the shorter ICs. Regarding my prior 3 meter ICs I I started with cardas microtwin, which seemed to "round out" the sound and were a little muddy,  then I changed to a more expensive cardas - I can't recall the specific model - which was a step up - and then I had 3 meter ICs made by Stephen Sank, who is a tech/modifier of equipment based in Arizona -   they are unshielded and were inexpensive - but were MUCH better than the other 2 - so I may purchase shorter ICs from him or send the 3 meter back and have him make 2 pair of shorter ICs.  

So I guess we agree ! - to some extent 🖕

I guess we are getting the finger onto the pulse ^here^?


Back to your twisted wires with the oversized insulators and also the cotton.
There is a lot of talk focussing on the materials and the geometry. It is possible that those affect the electrical parameters directly, and that one could talk about the parameters that are desired rather than construction.

It makes sense when we talk about a cake or a bottle of wine to talk about whether it is chocolate or Pinot, and not talk about the chemicals. But electrical things have only three things (resistance, capacitance and inductance. They are not like flavours.