Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
The biggest scam going in high-end audio. And there are quite a few scams to choose from! Anybody who any idea about how the equipment and electricity works realizes how ridiculous the whole thing is.
It would be wonderful to live in a world where changing a piece of wire improved sound quality. Alas ...
"Anyone who insists he knows how electricity or quantum mechanics works probably doesn’t." - Richard Feynman

"Hell, if I could explain it to the average person, it wouldn’t have been worth the Nobel prize." - Richard Feynman

"Electricty is really just organized lightning." - George Carlin
If you think you are a candidate for the Nobel Prize in physics, let alone for two like Richard Feynman, go and publish your great insights in Science or Nature.
Why does Audiogon not employ fact checkers? Not that I expect much, given the current culture of aversion to facts or expert opinion in the US.
good thing it's essentially free to try for yourself, as you will get no agreement here...you can look up many old threads, they will be the same as this one...and yes, used power cords tend to hold their value a long time