Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
The article and source data says that some only get 7 dimensions of connectivity. But what that means, is not known or written of. So the meaning is ambiguous. perhaps it is connected to higher brain function in complexity of data analysis and speed of analysis. Which means an expanded data and knowledge base, for starters. But that is all conjecture at this point, so who really knows. But the data for the structures did indeed arise and be found real, in the study. The indicators are in the mentioned directions.

So it may play out in hearing function and realization as tied to intellect.

Ears have an IQ just like conscious and unconscious cognition does, and we each possess our genetic and learned variances in those areas.

So some can't hear it and can't intellectually wrap their head around it. But that does not necessarily mean it is permanent, it may simply be all about levels of exposure to clear and clean enough audio systems that may allow them to systematically find and discover.

Some project emotion and refuse, as a way of living life in a world of dogmatic negative proofing. These are the most difficult and repetitious... and grind forums of decent audio people...into the ground. If they be allowed to continue, that is the result.
At CES 97 Pierre of Mapleshade and I suspended all cables and power cords from the ceiling using eye hooks and string, taking care to tie a rubber band on one end of the string. Was that wrong?

I always have my speaker cables and power cords lifted off the floor. Yes, it does make a sonic difference and one doesn't need to spend a fortune on fancy devices to obtain that goal, however, I'll admit that some of those cable lifting devices do look very elegant!

My only complaint regarding suspending cables from the cealing is depending on the location of the room it might be difficult to accomplish, degrades the look of the room and usually will not meet the wifes expectations.
BTW; I've used wood blocks, wood blocks with a large V cut into the top and the cable supported by a large heavy duty rubber band, porcelain cable insulators, and acrylic lifters. 
They all worked and I could not tell the difference based upon music other then the music sounded better with the cables on some type of lifter.