Lifters ForGetting Cables Off The Floor, Worth It Or Snake Oil

  •  I'm looking at some porcelain cable lifters to get some power and speaker cable up off the floor.  Does raising the cables off the floor really make a difference? It's going to be about 200 bucks for 10 of them. Thanks.  
Don’t cables vibrate when hooked up to a vibrating speaker?  Am I missing something  :>)

Don’t cables vibrate when hooked up to a vibrating speaker? Am I missing something :>)

You're not missing something, Pops. But the vibrations of the speaker cabinet are not good for the sound, either, any more than airborne or seismic/structureborne vibrations. The only good vibration is a dead vibration. It's too bad Tekna Sonic dampers for speaker cabinets aren't still available. Hey, wait a second!! I just realized I sell a damper for speaker cabinets, transformers, CD transports, etc. Maybe the SR HFTs would be just the ticket for those stubborn little speaker cable connectors....hmmmmm.

Some of the biggest audio corporations in the world have demonstrated the usefulness of equipment and cable isolation, from any given vibration.

Pioneer used to have this little test bed that had the equipment in what was essentially, an anechoic chamber and isolated from physically borne low frequencies as well. And then a separate identical system, non isolated. Both in the same space, both could be heard one after the other.

The differences, sonically, were dramatic.

However, many to most don’t realize these effects among all the other sources of noise in their systems.

This can be multiplied by their mental position on such things, and possibly even tied to their inability to hear such things. That inability, both mental and or hearing related, may be a stubborn insistence and not really hearing related.

The skill of such may be in them, but possibly blocked by emotional positions on such complex scenarios, as emotions are a primary filter that is designed from the ground up--- to defeat logic, and enact primal function as priority override...

It can also be a scenario complicated by not being able to mount up the mentality required to commit to making a long chain of repeated single cause aAnalyses of this complex equation. Many things can be at play.

These billion dollar plus corporations, like that of Pioneer’s work in this area... do indeed follow these formulae to get to this ’better sound’, but this equipment rarely makes it out of places like Japan, which is many times - their origin point. The products that do reach for the best, in Japan, are Japan release only. Just one example of where and how this scenario exists.

The end result is that people, in North America, for example.... don’t see generally the evidence of these major bits of research in vibration isolation, and some people henceforth feel..somehow.. that this is an irrelevant or idiotic endeavor.

The reality is that there is plenty of evidence and some can’t piece it together. Railing against such things does not make the railing true, it’s just ranting and railing, nothing more. The brooding and implied pressure of a fluffing might -- attempting to make right.

One has to commit to enough single cause analysis and system noise elimination, to get to the point that things like cable risers do make a noticeable change.

Whether the change is efficacious or not, and worth the expense of the given components involved, is up to the user.

 A user who’s hearing mechanism is individual and individually built. Common to us all ... but in neurological refinement - unique.
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