Linn Ikemi vs Resolution Audio Opus 21

I have been reading a lot of reviews about players lately.
Just wondering how people would compare a Linn Ikemi to a Resolution Audio Opus 21?

They are about the same price on the used market.

Many thanks
Stick to the Opus-it's compared to the best where the Linn is the one compared to by the entry level players. I don't know what Linn is thinking keeping this very dull sounding player on the market- by the way I am a Linn fan- but not a deaf/blind fan-same with Naim products. Now Ayre is different-If it says Ayre on the front pannel, I want to own it. The Ayre is what I would recomend along with Opus.
Having home demoed thr Ikemi and the Ayre CX-7-the CX-7 won easily-better especially on rock etc.
I agree the Ikemi does not excel on Rock, but if your tastes in music include acoustic, vocals and jazz, it's a hard player to beat. I never heard the Opus so I can't offer an opinion there.
wow this is what makes the audio world go round, I have had a few hi end players at home, including the ayre, which I liked,but preferred my Ikemi, thought the ayre sounded very similar to the consonance 2.2 tube player,never heard the opus though. I think the Ikemi sounds quite good on rock.