linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
The so - called "upgrades" for the LP12 are just a way for Linn to extract money from the gullible! The plain basic LP12 has always sounded excellent! This I know from my 40 years experience with this TT!
I bought a Technics 1200G this year after reading favourable reviews. Now that was a mistake! I put a triplanar arm and Benz LP cartridge on it for good measure. I also have an LP12 with Audio Origami arm and Benz Lp cartridge, and cannot believe I lost all the musicality and "feel" that the LP12 brings to the table. Selling the Technics now, someone will be happy no doubt. I want to hear music, not just sound.
I think a unipivot arm on a Linn would sound pretty fantastic I am sure.  Audio Origami makes a unipivot for a Linn?
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@tatyana69 Unfortunately, there are so many negative opinions on this table on the various forums from folk who have never even heard the table, never mind owned it, that it is easy to get bad information about it on the www.
This is why I ask the many posters who are favoring the Technics or the Crossley ( ;0) ) over the LP12, as to what their experience is with it; and what ancillary gear they were using ( if any!).
Typically, i get answers that are just pathetic and clearly showing a total lack of experience with the LP12, or for that matter analog in general!

Your experience with the 1200G is unfortunate, but absolutely no surprise to me.

Correctly set up and with the latest upgrades ( Radikal D, Keel/Kore, Ekos Se-1,Tramp 2 and new plinth/Booplinth) the table competes at a level that very few can match, if any! IME.

@roberjerman How would you know what the ’so called upgrades’ can do, if you have never installed them...?? Pity, I think you are very much underestimating these products, and overestimating your experience with the table. Just because they are pricey, doesn’t automatically make them invalid, although I suppose in your mind it does!