Liquid Amps

What is the most “liquid” sounding solid state amp and is “liquid” even a thing?
How about the term "surgically romantic" published in TAS (1976) by that doyen of the High End - Harry Pearson! He was reviewing and describing James Bongiorno's Great American Sound Ampzilla! This was THE amp to own! Did it sound "liquid"? NO! It sounded as clear as a just-Windexed pane of glass! IT SOUNDED BEAUTIFUL! And that was James's intention: to produce a SS amp with the smoothness of the best tube amps and better transient response than the SS competition! And the ability to drive ANY speaker with full power! Ampzilla did indeed set the bar really high! 
Bongiorno was criticized by The Audio Critic for producing amps and preamps that made all sources sound too beautiful! So I think that the term "liquid" can apply to these now classic SS products from GAS!
Disclaimer: I presently own a Thoebe preamp, two Sons of Ampzilla and a Grandson! Classics indeed!