List of plinth builders for Technics SP10 MK3

Would like a dual arm plinth built for my Technics SP10 MK3.

Looking for reasonably priced builders.

I looked for references but there are very few listed.... and most are old listings and no longer available.



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Don’t know how accurate the value is, but just looked on Ebay for recent completed transactions (Past 2 months) for Technics SP10 MK3 and the lowest price was $6225.00...came in simple diy wooden plinth, no cover, there were imperfections/marks/scratches on the motor unit,, it was located in Japan. My motor unit looks ’as new’ and my controller also is in nice condition and has the SL 1000 style plinth/cover in very nice condition.
There was also a new in box SP10 MK3, motor/controller only, that sold for $11,211.00 on December 29, 2019 on ebay