listening in the dark?

Is listening in the dark better?

Scientific research shows that people in the dark can hear significantly better. Senses always ‘fight’ for the brain’s attention. By removing vision, the ears are given more processing power, as it were, to digest sound. As a result you hear more details, you experience a greater sense of space and a greater sense of 3D. A scientific study says: “Closing the eyes affects the style of attending to auditory stimuli by modifying the perceptual relationship with the environment without changing the stimulus itself.”

What do you do?
Buconero117: That makes sense to me but I find that my mood or excitement of listening to a new lp or preconceived notion of how a brand new lp may sound affects my listening experience much more. (All of this may be in the same ballpark though) However, late at night, listening with the lights on just doesn't get it.
Sex is better with the lights on, listening to music is better with the lights off or dimmed
I've just got the idea of advantages being in the Middle of Nowhere. In other cases I'd prefer grid(with all disadvantages applied).