Listening time and habits

Dear all,

I'm sure this is going to be all over the map, but I'm wondering about how folks structure their time around listening, and how you negotiate listening with partners, family, and even neighbors. 

For example, I find listening daily is difficult, though lately I've tried listening to an album side before work, which is a different kind of listening. Mostly, I save up time to just disappear into music for a whole evening. I find I need to forget the world to really listen, and that means not having to watch the clock. 

My wife likes to listen to music in the car and while doing other things. Clearly, for me, it's the opposite. 

How do you manage your music time?

My listening room is in the basement and I usually listen there, alone, after my family goes to bed for the night. I usually try to listen for an hour or so. Sometimes I'll start a listening session earlier and get in a couple of hours. I also sometimes listen for an hour at lunchtime (I work from home).

Rarely does anyone come down and listen with me. However, I cherish the times they do....

I do get together for a listening session with a couple of neighbors occasionally. Those sessions sometimes go into the wee hours of the morning, like 3-4 am. Good times....

I had a friend a friend who used to drive 8 hours nonstop with a trunk full of records, wine, and whisky for a long weekend of fun. Good times indeed! 

These days, I have a friend I see once in a while who comes over for a session, but it's rare. Folks have kids and busy lives. 
my rig is in the center of the house "great room" and I seem to get a chance to hear what I want at the volumes I like when the house is vacant, son at work, wife at the gym etc. this happens at least three mornings a week