little known musicians we should hear

I know i'm missing out on some great obscure or relatively obscure music. please give me your recommendations. include anyone (or any lp) you love and recommend without reservation, if it may not be well known.

my short list would be:

alejandro escovedo-singer/songwriter/gtr player/band leader
the hank dogs - u.k. folkies w/ 2 albums
anne briggs - more folk from the u.k.
richie haven's new lp "the well" (if you ever loved any of his stuff, you need this!)
I just don't know any great obscure classical, jazz or rock...uh, the velvet who?

honourable mention:
"u.s. mombs" (my 16 yr old's a drummer. this is her thrash band. so sue me, I like seeing it in print)
Kelly Willis - "What I Deserve", a great C.D. She also has a new release called "Easy". It's a bit mellower then the first.
Good for you Jasman. Yes, "What I deserve" is excellent....I'll pick up her new one when I get to town.
Hank Cramer: You can find him via "Google". I believe his CDs can be ordered from
...David Olney was his favorite songwriter- try any of Olney's albums; the latest, "Omar's Blues", however, isn't his strongest.

Amen to Jade Warrior- the "Elements" retrospective on Island is excellent.

Pearls Before Swine (Tom Rapp)- unsurpassed 60's folkadelia. Rapp put out "Journal of The Plague Year" a coupla years ago, 1st new music in 25 years. Brilliant songwriter.

If talent translated directly into dollars, Graham Parker and John Hiatt would be anything and play it LOUD.

Guy Clark's new release "The Dark" is very, very good.

Subdudes- they may not be together still- great New Orleans gumbo funk.
I wouldn't necessarily classify these all as 'little known', but here's what comes to mind:

1. XTC (Albums Nonesuch, Skylarking, English Settlement, Apple Venus 1 & 2..) These guys put out perenially outstanding music. Boggles the mind how little they're revered. This may seem like sacrilege to some - but I would stack up Mr. Partridge & Mr. Mouldings songwriting catalog(and the intelligence/wit of their lyrics in particular) against the Beatles' any time. Just go listen to songs like "Satellite", "The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul", "The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead", "Knights In Shining Kharma", "The Man Who Murdered Love".

2. Patrick O'Hearn, Richard Burmer, Steve Roach or Harold Budd - great ambient artists. Some really good stuff if you're into it. has some free downloads for those interested in checking it out.

3. David Sylvian - formerly of the group Japan. Hard to classify, but almost any album a 'must listen'

4. Horselips (Album - The Man Who Built America) Obscure Irish band.

5. Have to echo the comment about Peter Gabriel's "Passion" - Haunting sonics.

I'm sure I'll think of more....
