Living in Japan. Any opinions on amplifiers?

Living here I figured I would be in audio heaven but it seems like Japan falls in love with certain brands and ignores others. Since I need to buy something here 100V I’m wondering if any of you have an idea of underrated/overlooked value products currently in production. I know this sounds like a lame question and that I should do research but my Japanese still sucks and I thought there might be a few of you who are familiar with what is available here now. I have looked at vintage Luxman and there are a lot available but I thought a current production amp would be more practical and utilized modern technology Ie streaming etc. 
The land of Kondo, Shindo, Allnic, Airtight and Wavac: SETs are Japan’s speciality and with high efficiency speakers still in a league of their own. If nothing else, worth exploring
If I were lucky enough to be in your shoes I would look for a locally built tube amplifier. Japan has been the heart of low power amps. Speaking for myself I would avoid the big brands that build a ton of amps, spend a ton on marketing and advertising and look for an artist. There are some " listening bars "  there where people have a drink and just listen to music. I think if you look on youtube and type that in you will find what I am talking about. Those cafe owners are true music lovers and should know a lot about what is available. Here are a couple here.