Living room system: class A or AB amps?

Would class A be suitable for a living room system? Apart from hi-fi listening sessions, it's also used a lot for watching TV.

Would it make more sense to get good class AB amplifiers, which can be switched on permanently without drawing huge amounts of power? I wouldn't want to warm-up an amp first before getting good sound.

For this system, I have so far only purchased the speakers: Focal Stella Utopia Evo. Room is big: 1,200 square feet with openings to hallways.

I'd consider to pair them with Gryphon Mephisto and Pandora. But that's class A...

Opinions and amp suggestions are welcome!

" Class ?
That should determine little or nada.
Put some powered desktops on the TV and buy what amp favors the speakers most."

Hello fuzztone,
     I agree, amp type is not relevant when selecting an amp based on sound quality, however, it definitely becomes very relevant when  selecting an amp based on additional amp qualities such as electrical efficiency, size, weight and a low operating temperature. 
     Who knows?  I guess it might even be technically possible that someone, somewhere, who lives in a tropical climate, has high quality speakers and may even be an active Audiogon member,  might even have the shear audacity to be searching for The Friggin Holy Grail of Amps, which has the highly unusual combination of amp qualities of having excellent sound quality, being highly electrically efficient ,being light in weight. small in size while also constantly operating at a safe and moderate operating temperature regardless of the speakers' reproduced frequency and its correspondingly difficult impedance level presented to the amp.
     I believe we both agree that the possibility of an individual actually searching for such a highly proficient audio amp would be, at least theoretically, a discrete possibility.  Based on your post comments of "Class ?  That should determine little or nada.", however, it's obvious you lack even a basic understanding of how and why class D amp type technology generally, and the class D technology contained within the Merrill Audio Element 118 monoblock amps specifically,  represent such a useful, important, relevant and elegant solution to robert1976's amp search.
     As to your other brief post comment: "Put some powered desktops on the TV and buy what amp favors the speakers most."
     To be fair, however, I must also admit that I also lack a basic understanding, or even a clue, about what the heck this statement even means.


True. The Pass Labs X600.8 stays in Class A up to 50W, which is quite high.
Oh, you should obviously use [insert MY personal favorite here] with your Focals.  After spending so much on your speakers (hopefully from a reputable dealer), are you trying to tell us you are more willing to listen to a bunch of opinionated schnucks over the recommendations of your dealer, who probably has a lot more experience with amp pairing with those particular speakers than any of us, or did you go grey market to "save money'?

Did you just call your fellow forum contributors "schmucks"?

In my country, not a single Focal dealer has the Stella Evo's on demo. At $140,000 MSRP, who does? Even if they had the Stella's, they don't have the amplification to match it. So I have to travel and hear components separately.

I'm here to get suggestions and ideas (not to "listen" to anyone). That way I found out about Gryphon and the Mephisto. Which I will be auditioning this Friday. Thanks for contributing nothing but negativity.