Loewe or Toshiba HDTV ready?

I am interested in purchasing either the Loewe 30" Aconda or the Toshiba 34" tube (16:9, HDTV ready). I have seen them both, but not side by side. Can anyone comment? Also, what about the new Panasonic 34" Tube 16:9 as well? Thanks in advance
Swampwalker - Sorry I have no solutions for the darkness. I just have the color temp on high, screen set for day, brightness set up around 75% and contrast up around 80% and this seems to work for most programs. I attribute the "darkness" to the invar mask as the B&O Avant with its invar mask also appeared dark but I could be offbase.
Patrick-I also own the Loewe Aconda DTV and find the picture quality is Amazing with a good source. DVD PQ is the best I've seen, really excellent. My Cable TV picture quality is very good also. I have found with the cable connection that the RF cables and connectors have to be top quality and run sensibily, the cable box also has to be good(if questionable, get a new one). Also, clean the RF connections they're usually filthy, mine were. If you still have questionable cable picture quality, call your cable provider and have them check your signal strength with a scope. Each splitter causes a 3dB drop in signal strength, so watch these because they can add up (splitters should be top quality too). Swampwalker, have you tried contacting Sensory Science about your contrast/brightness problem? Also,if you're happy with your interconnects and cables and they're burned-in, it might be nice to get a video calibration done by a certified technician. Hope this helps.
Dovetail- any thoughts on who makes a quality splitter? Also I am somewhat concerned because I have cable modem and cable digital phone thru same provider. No one can tell me if this affects the signal, other than the fact that it must be split a second time (once to split out the TV from the phone/modem, and then a second time to the various TVs. There is some kind of a filter at the output of the first splitter (where the TV signal is split from the modem. Anyone know if I can just use a bigger splitter, rather than passing thru two is series? Anyone know I where could get a 5 way splitter (1 in, 5 out) rather than the 2 way, 4 way that currently is present?
All direct view televisions have an invar or shadow mask. It is situated behind the screen and is in place to prevent the electrons from bouncing back into the crt. If you drive the crt too hard, the invar mask will overheat. This results in Blooming od the picture. It will seem overely bright and incoherent. It has nothing to due with a dark picture overall. Also, if it were not there, the crt would take full beam current and the phosphor would be darkened very quickly, thus ruining your new tube.
Thanks Tke0810,
I replaced the coax connectors and it greatly reduced the
image problems I have on my Aconda.