London or Europe Anyone: Changing Voltage Again?

No sooner has the dust settled in my apt in NY that it seems cwlondon may be heading back to London or even Switzerland by the Summer.

The last time I went through this exercise, I bought a 240 V Euro spec Aragon 4004 MK II for a considerable premium. At the time, this type of permium was typical when manufacturers commanded a 50%+ higher prices overseas.

But then I discovered that it took about 45 seconds for another dealer to change voltage on my US spec Levinson 31 transport and my Jadis JPL preamp.

These days are most components easily switched? Could anyone be so kind as to glance at my system and advise me on switching or selling? The market overseas for US high end is thinner and much more expensive.

A side note, I just spoke with Audio Research who said my SP-11 could probably be switched, but also said that Richard Gray step down transformer could easily be used.

I thought that was an audiophile no no?!?!?

Any advice on voltage changes would be greatly appreciated.
All I can tell you is I sent a DAC to Classe' to change the voltage from 220-110 and they only charged $60 and that included return shipping.
It's nonsense that stepdown or stepup transformers in general are a high end no no. There is no audible effect whatsoever if you use decent units. I run an all American system in Germany. My Wadias are fed by PSAudio PS300 which accepts 220Volts (switchable) and feeds 115-120 Volt. My AudioResearch SP14 was switched to 220Volts as was my McIntosh MC 2000(the latter with quite some fee). Revel's LE-1 was switched for no charge at the dealer's in Boston.If you use a transformer do check if you can install it it the unit's housing. It is possible in most cases. That means there's no need for an extra special powercord etc.
Good luck! And welcome in Old Europe as they say?!
Detlof -- an introduction would be a real treat. Thank you. Probably wont know my exact plans for 1-3 months, but Geneva would be the most likely suspect.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated but it sounds like there is more than one way to skin the cat on voltage changes.

Thank you everyone.
Aida, basically I agree with you of course, only where does "decency", as you put it, begin and where does it end?
Transformers WILL change the sound of a transparent rig, sometimes to quite an amazing degree, even changing the tonal balance of an entire system. Most noticeable is often a shift in dynamics towards the softer side, an evening out of microdynamics, an adding of a fine veil of grain or grit. However, there seems to be no fast and set rule to this. I've had excellent results with an 100 bucks Chinese stepdown transformer for the frontside, whereas an over 1k
machine with a resounding name in local circles basically spoilt the fine balance of my system. The proof, I feel, as usual, lies in the listening. Cheers,