Longish speaker cable

Somewhere in the future I might want to re-arrange my audio set-up. Right now my system stands between my speakers. However I am think about moving the system and letting my speaker stay where they are. Right now I use NBS Active IV speaker cables. These are 6 or 8 feet long.

If I move my set I would need speaker cables of 13 to 16 feet long. Speaker cables are very expensive. So I might have to take a step back.

So what are good and affordable speaker cables? Nordost White Lightning, Purple Flair? Kimber 8 series? Pink Faun SC3 etc. Before the NBS I had Wireworld Atalantis 5 and before that Nordost Red Dawn ref2.

So what cables are cheap, good and long?
I am in that same situation, I will have to look at the Belden. Any specific model or type?
What do you think of Audioquest and Straight Wire sold at Sound Advice? ( If that matters )
I'm running 10 m worth of Nordost Leif series Purple Flair with good results. Had the same dilemma as you - but worse. Compromises are always tough to swallow.
Who knows? Audio is a cut and paste proposition.
A cable that sounds wretched might sound great with a different preamp etc.
That's why I have about 30 prs of speaker cable.
I consider the Canare 4S11 a bargain, available at Blue Jeans Cable, they will even terminate them nicely for you.

Best of Luck

DH Labs Q-Sonic works great whether I use the tube amp with sealed speakers or solid state amp with ported speakers. The cables are neutral and I have a 6 meter run.