Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money

I currently have a system which consists of Vandersteen 5A's, THor Audio TP-150 tubed monoblocks, Thor Line Stage and Thor phono stage, Marantz SACD player SA-114 and will take delivery of the VPI Prime Scout with a Sumiko EVOS 3 Cartridge. I am currently using LAT International Speaker Cables, Power Cords and Interconnects. (They are no longer in business). I am in immediate  need of turntable cables and would like to update my new speaker cables and interconnects. Not willing to spend thousands on this upgrade. Seeking to capture as much of the "magic" that the super expensive cables deliver but at a more realistic price point. I understand that I have really good quality equipment, but at this stage of my life cannot allocate mega dollars towards cables.
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

schubert"I have been to over 2, 000 live classical concerts in the last 50+ years .I DO know what I say is so .You do not .'

This statement is based on blind conviction, faith, and belief you can not possibly know anything about me at all because I have protected my right to anonymity hear so you can insist that you're knowledge, experience, and pronouncements  here are superior to that of others but the truth is you have no data, substantiation, or even casual observation to support your cherished beliefs at all but you are welcome to feel as smug and self-righteous as you like especially as you make Christian-based observations about the behavior of others here which you know nothing about. 
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Well finally you admit you don't have a system powered up - oh wait - let me guess your system works on teleportation power and signal transfer ?

>>>>I’ve already said too much. 

Science is not faith based. It is the opposite of faith based."

Elizabeth of course you are completely correct however you must understand that those who insist and cling to faith-based beliefs and  convictions must as a means of supporting their beliefs equate them with those which have been established through the scientific method because if they did not do this they would not be able to repeat, defend, and promote their beliefs they must achieve an "equality" between their faith and science or otherwise their faith based beliefs are revealed as the fantasy, fabrications and woo that they are! 
Actually we do have examples of faith based notions that are presented to us as science. The “science”of the earth’s age, earth’s formation and creation, Big Bang etc... all have major gaps that require “faith”.