Looking for a digital front end...

I'm trying to find an inexpensive (under $1K) digital front end for GMA 1.5 speakers and a Rogue Tempest Magnum integrated amp. I'll probably upgrade in the future, but for now, I'm trying to go as inexpensive as possible. I like smooth, detailed sound, with good pace, slam and bass. I listen to jazz, heavy metal, rock, funk, trip-hop, electronic, bluegrass... you get the picture. I'm intrigued by the Jolida 100 and the Tjoeb, but don't know if they are what I'm looking for. Any thoughts & suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The Sony XA7ES ,I also tested the Miles @ the same time and it's not even close, sorry.The Miles was never a Class A component but a Class K. It may have the name but doesn't have the built quality of class A or the sound that the XA7ES can deliver.This is the Stereohile write-up Quote
" TJN was quite taken by this player because it continued to sound better the more I listen to it. It's not perfect ( comparing to Linn $20K Levinson 39 $6K ) but its strenghs--a smooth, sweet detailed sound with natural warmth and a fine,palable presentce-- makesuch a strong statement that searching for flaws is a lot of work with little return, well built too, and asserted, and "the equal of any player--seperates or one piece units at any price Vol 19 No 11,
Vol 20Nos.1&7, .
How about a used dac/transport/ic combo? There's a lot of Theta stuff available on here. Any thoughts on this?
By the way, I have a Toshiba DVD player I might be able to use as a transport, but I'm not sure how well that would work.