Looking for a ‘’No braine’r Integrated amplifier under 7500 or so

hello all!

I’m looking for ideas on a ‘slam dunk’ flexible high value solidly performing INTEGRATED amp for an office system, but one that for a while can be my ‘go to’ or primary unit and is a bit above entry level.

preference is to buy new, but preowned in the right scenario works for me as well.

Pesently I’m starting all over in amassing gear and felt to initiate the project by wading into the water slowly.

I have on hannd remnants of my former   efforts in a then very good line stage preamp and DAC, though the DA age is showing and well behind current popular trends  and support for new formats.

also on hand are some ‘so so’ amps, and several pairs of speakers and I just added a Blue Sound Noede 2I.

ultimately I see nearly everything being replaced but felt starting with a very nice Integrated seems as good a starting point as any.

topology is as such, not too too imoportant. decent power however is key as speakers being paired here are as yet unknown. likelyhood here is a pair of monitors and a sub.

the music playback will likely be streaming from providers and NAS files.

Aesthewtix Mimas has peaked my interest currently. and having owned bAT their INT is interesting too. apart from these two I’m wide open to suggestions on current one box amp solutions..

glass or sand power here makes little difference apart from thereafter mating speakers to the INT power constraints..

your thoughts, and expieriences here are vastly appreciated. THX
Look at Lyngdorf. You don't even need an external DAC with their integrated amps so simplicity and a big money savings. Very flexible. Even has an HT Pass-Through mode. If you get the 1120 it has all the connectivity you would likely need. I have the 2170 and absolutely love it's "Wire with Gain" personality. Tested against some expensive Tube and SS amps and it won. If you like tube distortion, it may not be for you though. But even analog from my Feikert turntable is extremely impressive. Not a compromise between digital and analog streams at all IMHO.
I really liked a Bryston integrated (with a dac) when I heard it at a dealer. I think it was a B135 cubed. A bit above your price range but maybe you can find one used. They often have 20 years of warranty. 
Or think of the price as for a dac and an amp.
Figure out speakers first. Then maybe you can get a better deal if you go the new route through a local dealer.

If you can find one, Plinius makes great amps. They've had a thinning out of dealers in the US. Their integrated start at under your price range. I have an older integrated and they are built solid and sound great. Solid state, so no fuss. Can easily be your end game amp. Simple and direct.
Leben cs-600x as long as you are good with tubes, and have speakers that are 90+db.......