looking for a preamp for pass XA30.5

I just got a Pass XA30.5 and I'm looking for a preamp.  I would like to spend in the 2k range.  I'm interested in a tube pre but not married to the idea.  I would like something with a balanced design and balanced connections to compliment the Pass amp.  I was looking at the Schiit Freya+ but I'm not sure if its impedance characteristics would match with the Pass amp?  I've seen some used Pass Preamps on A-gon that look cool?  Any suggestions?
thanks guys, good info here.  I'm wondering about the advantages of keeping everything in the system fully balanced?  Many of the tube options I was looking at only have unbalanced RCA connections.  How much of a compromise would I be making if I used unbalanced interconnects seeing as the Pass amp is a fully balanced design?
With my Pass equipment I noticed an increase in clarity and volume when I switched from the unbalanced to the balanced inputs.
I’m wondering about the advantages of keeping everything in the system fully balanced?

The Freya + is fully balanced or SE. I don't hold any advantages for balanced, unless you want to run >10mt interconnects.
Quite a few sources, poweramps, preamps have balanced inputs/outputs that are fake, in that the circuit is SE and all they do is put a balanced opamp there to give you a balanced input/output, so they actually in this case sound worse that their SE input or output.

Cheers George  
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