Looking for a quick answer about an HK AVR-7200

I have just a few days left while I can still return it.I was mislead by an ad that said it was THX Ultra certf'd,which it isn't.My fault for impulse buying.I got it for $1000, supposedly brand new,but the dated stamp reads Feb.2003.I'm not thoroughly familiar with the newest technologies (192/24 DAC).If I run the DVD player through it,is this necessary for good sound since the 7200 has full analog already and digital.I'm concerned about wasting money when I'm looking for quality on a budget since I'm still laid up from the Ground Z search & Rescue and on a extremely limited income,but since this is my main source of entertainment,I splurged because I already have a 42"plasma.I had 2 Wharfdale Valdus 400 speakers also a set of Klipsch THX 5.1's from my computer I'm wondering if I can incorporate(for another post).My main concern is the quality of the 7200 for $1000. Opinions,please! I wont hold you to anything,don't feel responsible and hold back.I have my own, but I'll take my as much input as possible before the 5 day deadline to decide.
Many thanks in Advance.
Kmiller3,upstate NY
I've never owned any HK equipment, but what I can tell you is this, if you are unsure of your purchase - take it back. Then give yourself a few days to do some reading/research on A/V recievers. I know that sometimes it is hard to resist what you percieve a "good" deal, been there myself and have got burned. I now won't buy anything unless I know exactly what I am getting. I can also tell you that you can stretch your money farther if you don't mind buying used gear, I'm sure that there are comparable/better recievers here on Audiogon for less than $1k.
As far receivers go you got a great deal with the avr7200 at a $1000. That receiver was Hk's flagship last year and is over half off the original price. Don't worry about THX anything, it's just marketing hype. Plenty of refined clean power from a receiver has made this model popular. Sit back and enjoy.
I am an owner of the HK AVR-7200. I purchased the unit new in February from a respected online dealer and have been happy with the unit. I have upgradeitis and have since picked up a Krell power amplifier and Krell preamplifier for powering my front two channels. I am still using the AVR7200 in my system for when I use home theater and multichannel music (AVR powers my center and rears). The unit does everything I expected a receiver of its price/size/brand to do. It is a monster sized receiver with quality sound and performance. I was hesitant to purchase used equipment, but now am hooked on it. You may be able to do better for $1000 used but then you might now be dealing with a warrantied new piece of equipment. I can only think of a few receivers that I would rather have and you probably have to spend more to get them even used. I am beginning to learn there is always going to be a "latest and greatest" just around the corner. Just my thoughts. Feel free to contact me.