looking for advice on bookshelf speakers

I am a audiophile who suffers frequent headaches. I still try and listen to music daily . I am only able to listen for an hour at a time. My current speakers are Paradigm Studio Reference 40 v2's . The treble is the hardest part for my listening sessions. Can people tell me of a good monitor that has mild treble . Maybe laid back is a good term for what i am looking for.I will be buying used with a budget of say $1,000 to $1500. If you know of any, that would be a great help. Also maybe a certain integrated amp would have a more pleasing sound ? Thank you !
These test results show a resonance that will irritate some people. I had to leave the room they were in, when I heard them. The one may be right above 20kHz, but is heard by myself, and a young couple (newlywed?) that ordered them without hearing them. This husband and wife couple was trying to find a solution for these speakers they bought, and couldn't listen to. When a metal tweeter does this, some people just can't tolerate it. Link to measurements the couple had.
[http://www.stereophile.com/content/paradigm-reference-studio-60-v5-loudspeaker-measurements] Another model here.[http://www.stereophile.com/content/paradigm-reference-studio20-loudspeaker-measurements]
I'm also sensitive to edgy highs, and I also commend the Carbon 7s. Since Dyn's are getting mentioned here, I'll go out on a limb and say I prefer the Carbon's to the much more expensive C-1s. But the Carbons are a bit above the OPs stated pricepoint.

If the speakers are actually going to be in "bookshelf" application, and not free field on stands, I recommend Northcreek, which are designed for cramped placement, and have smooth highs.

Nothing yet . I will hear the dynaudio and Spendor in a month or two.The harbeths intrigue me also .
Someone mentioned single-driver speakers above and made me think of Glow Audio. You might look into their speakers (glow-audio.com). At an Axpona show a couple of years ago, I was amazed at the shrillness and glare of most of the systems on exhibit. Then I walked into the Glow Audio room and found blessed relief from their small, semi-spherical speakers playing with the Glow Audio subwoofer. They sounded very natural, without a hint of glare. And they're VERY affordable. Of course, you'll need a sub, and Glow's is very affordable, too. I've been thinking of picking up a pair myself.