Looking for great tube integrated for Martin Logan Summit X speakers

I've had upgrade fever every since I added bass traps and acoustic panels to my listening room and wondered why I didn't do that years ago.  So I've decided to change my Plinius Hautonga integrated and make the plunge to tubes. I want that sound, and the thought of tube rolling appeals to me.  I was leaning toward the Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated, but after doing more reading, I'm concerned that it won't have adequate power due to the Summit's impedance needs.  I'm admittedly a novice with tubes, so seeking help from the forum.   My room is about 12x15, with the area behind my listening position open for an additional eight feet.  I don't listen at high volumes at all, and my favorite music is female jazz, smooth jazz, Nora Jones type vocals.  Music comes from SACDs and Tidal exclusively - I have no analogue gear.

The rest of my gear:
  • Gustard x20u DAC modified by Rick Schultz
  • Oppo 103D for SACDs modified by Rick Schultz
  • Bryston BDP-1 music streamer
Will I be happy with the Primaluna, or do you have other suggestions in the $5,000 range?  Or should I stay away from tubes for these speakers?

Appreciate your opinions!

"T"  "C"  "S" are all sibilant sounds, as I said in a link  above the hard areas for an with the Summits are 5khz to 20khz (the sibilance area)  and again 3.5khz (presence area of the mids).
And the Prima Luna has a very odd high frequency boost in the top end which I believe to be output transformer oscillation which could very well exaggerate "sibilance".

Cheers George
Here is a review of the Summit X by Absolute Sound's Noel Keywood.  In the measured Performance section he states, " Valve amps with a 4 ohm output tap are a good choice..."

Here is a review of the PL Dialogue HP Integrated by Stereophile's Robert Deutsch.  He states, " Ever since I reviewed PrimaLuna's ProLogue Premium, for the June 2012 issue, it has been the model I would turn to when I wanted a moderately priced integrated amplifier to try with a new speaker. It never disappointed me, and never seemed outclassed, even when the speaker was the Martin Logan Montis ($10,000/pair)."   The Montis has an impedance of .5 ohom at 20khz.  And the HP version has more output transformers that the standard Premium model. 

Here is the Montis impedance chart:

Listening to the amp with my Summit X speakers, it is indeed very nice.  

The only problem you say your getting, is with "T" "C" "S" sounds

I have a friends with Summits, both series 1 and 2 "X" None of them experience any sibilance at all, in fact they are all very transparent and delicate in the highs, as are my own Monolith III’s with the newer Neolith panels. If I ever had to get rid of the huge Monoliths, the Summit’s are what I would get instead. the speaker is innocent, look at what driving them.

Here is what John Atkinson said about the strange HF peak which starts it's rise at 8khz in the measurements.
" Note the peak between 30 and 50kHz in fig.1. This peak was at its highest from both taps into 8 ohms and higher impedances, but disappeared when the load impedance was well below the nominal transformer-tap value. But with the tap matched to the load, this peak was associated with a significant amount of overshoot on a 1kHz squarewave (fig.2), though a 10kHz squarewave revealed that the consequent ringing was critically damped (fig.3), the amplifier maintaining its stability."

Cheers George
The guy still wants to argue a point he thinks a graph will prove.look at the words spoken by the reviewers george. 

They were John Atkinson words sunshine, he knows more in his little toe than you’ll ever know. https://forum.audiogon.com/posts/1701980