looking for musical Tube Integrated Amplifier


I would like to get some opnions on tube amplifiers (Integrated) which i can keep for long time.

Background -

pre + power - I was using Odyssey Stratos (Extreme) and Odyssey Tempest (for last 10+ years).

speakers -Usher CP-6381 speakers (for last 10+ years)

source - Sony 5400 CD/SACD player (may add TT + Music server + Dac in a year).

Listening Room - 25 X 20 X 9 living room open to Kitchen.

Budget for new amp - 4K

Not sure I can audition lots of these tube integrated here in minneapolis.

I normally listen to very low volume mostly Vocals,acoustic guitar, would be interested in tube amplifier which is more muscial than detail (if someone recommends best of both world that will be great)

Heard really good things about Frankestein 300B Monoblocks but they are out of my price range #6K + pre amp that will close to $7K, The next best thing I can think about it Decware Tori which will around $4K, at the same time after looking at the other posts on the forum came across other few tub amps mentioned in few other threads, here are some of them, can anyone recommend any of these over abother (especially over Decawre Tori) ?

Decware Zen Tori IV -

KR AUDIO VA340 Integrated Tube Amplifier -

New Audio Frontiers Supreme 300B -

Omaha 300B SET Tube Stereo Integrated Amplifier

Ayon Orion II/Orion III -

Any audiospace / sofia Electric 300B

Thanks David, the speaker Impedence is 8ohm and sensitivity is around 87 db, as I am having these speakers for 10+ years I will use these for a year but then eventually will go to something which is more efficient like Tekton or zu in a year.
I am a fan of the Cayin/Vas line. Great sound, great value and great service, which is seldom if ever needed. I have four of their units. My favorite is the 100t which I drive ProAC speakers. check them out at cayinusa.com Tell Steve that Ken sent you.
You mentioned the Sophia 300B. I would suggest the Sophia EL34. Less money more power which I think you might need.
I have just ordered a Line Magnetic 518, supposed to come in tomorrow. Ayon, Audiospace and Sofia Electric were on my list but I went with the LM after talking to some owners. This one is a 20-watt singled ended with 845 tubes. They make several integrateds in your price range. The clincher for me was the 518 can also be used as an amplifier-only with a separate preamp. By the way, I have heard great things about your speakers, even though they are 87db sensitive, the 8-ohm load makes them ideal for many tube amps, you might be surprised how good they work with whatever amp you settle on.
Thanks, Will look into cayin 100t and Sofia electric El84 offerings, I looked at line magnetic 518 looks nice, will wait for your feedback on how does Line Magnetic perform.(never heard number of tube amps side by side so not sure what is the difference in sonic signature for EL84, 300B, 845 will try to search on the forums - looking for something which is really good for Vocals - I am reading Class A is better than A/B but again this is all reading, not actual experience : )