Looking for my End Game Speaker

I'm looking for my end game speakers.  My system currently consists a digital streaming front end with the Mola mola Tambaqui DAC and Grimm MU1 streamer along with Magico A3 speakers.  For amplification, I recently acquired on the used market, the Audionet Humboldt.  

I live in a small 960 sq ft condo in a highrise.  My system is in the great room (living, dining, and kitchen all in one).  Given the room configuration, my speakers have to be located close to a side wall (unless I radically change the room and block my balcony doors with my stereo).  Room dimensions are 12' x 16' (not including kitchen).   

The following speakers are on my list to auditon:

Marten Parker Trio,  Acora (SRB, SRC1, SRC2), Magico S3 - 2023, Magico M2, Joseph Audio, Franco Serblin, Rockport, Vivid Audio Giya G4, 

I have already heard the Acora SRC1 and thought they were amazing, however, perhaps a bit  bass shy.  

Given my room constraints, I'm concentrating more on the models that have a sealed box design.  Given that, I am very interested in the Magico M2 and S3 - 2023.  Has anyone heard these two models?  A used M2 would cost about the same as a new S3.  How do these two models compared?  Which would you choose?  

Can anyone recommend any other sealed box design speakers.....or any speakers that would fit into a relatively small room (close to the walls)?  I should also note that I would like a speaker that performs well with lower listening volumes....

I have booked my ticket to AXPONA 2025, so I'm making a list of speakers that I should audition.



I've been doing this for 40 years....Listening to my Borresen X-3's....It can get any better than this for 11K,

@zuesman So I had the chance to attend a mini audio show here at one of my local dealers....and got to listen to the Monitor Audio Hyphn.  It was a fairly crowded room (fairly warm as well)....and upon first listen, I wasn't overly impressed.  The speakers were powered by two Audio Research mono blocks running a Linn DSM streamer/DAC/preamp.  All wiring was Audioquest Dragon.  I went back a couple more times when Audioquest was doing a cable demo....and got a few minutes to listen to more familiar tracks.  Yes, I would say the sound was impressive.  I wasn't used to the height of the soundstage (the hyphn is a fairly tall speaker).  I'm not sure they were worth $130K CDN though.  To be honest, I thought the Acora SRC1 speakers were considerably better in terms of overall realism, transparency, and soundstage width (was uncanny!); where the Hyphn was clearly better was the bass response.  Unfortunately, I never had a chance to listen to the Monitor Audio 200s; they had them on display, but were not hooked up. 

@blisshifi Thank you for taking the time to respond.  My first experience with Vivid Audio was back in 2015 at the RMAF where I heard the B1 orange coloured Oval speaker; I really enjoyed that system at the time....and became an instant fan of the Vivid brand.  I did get to listen to one of the original Giya (series 1) speakers speakers at a local dealer several years ago, and thought they sounded very good at the time as well.  Fast forward to this year, I had auditioned the Kiya 45 with Moon electronics, and was underwhelmed.  The clarity and micro-details I was expecting to hear just wasn't there; it sounded veiled ....and for lack of a better word, cloudy....as if I were hearing the cabinet.  You, and a couple other reviewers, have suggested the Kaya models as alternatives to the Giya series....but I'm really shying away from they Kaya based on my latest audition.  With that said, the Giya G3 and G4 (series 2) are both on my list to seriously audition.  I'm leaning towards the G3 simply because I think the G4 look so short.  I'm also afraid the G4 might not provide enough low bass response, even though I don't play my system that loud.  For my room, do  you think the G3's would be too much speaker????  Do the Giyas perform well at lower volumes?

@fleschler Yes, I have not had a chance to listen to the Acora SRC2.  I spoke to my Acora dealer, and he had mentioned that the bass response between the SRC1 and SRC2 would be similar; the SRC2 was just meant for a larger room.  I'm hoping to hear the SRB with the new sub module bases, as well as the SRC2 at Axpona.

Thank you everyone for the suggestions!  I have added them all to my list to audition next April.  I'm just hoping I'll have enough time to visit all the rooms that I want to visit.


I can understand why you thought they didn't sound that great, hooking these speakers up to tube amplifiers will not make them sound their best, I heard them with the Rotel michi amplifiers and they sounded phenomenal, I have the monitor audio platinum 200 ll and I just upgraded my amp to the new SIM audio 861 it beat my w8 all to hell very expensive but well worth it I'm hearing stuff in the sound stage I never heard with my w8 as good as it is. 

@zuesman Yes, I was speaking to the Monitor Audio representative and he mentioned that solid state amplifiers are ideal for their speakers. 

@mbmi Yes!  I’ll be checking out the Borresen room for sure. They are the hot speaker brand currently!

Does anyone have much experience with Audio Physic?