Looking for my Final Pair!!

Been through the high end maelstrom for over 30 years and although I have enjoyed the ride, I desperately want to find speakers that exude dynamics, tone and presence.  I want to be transported to the Village Vanguard where The John Coltrane Quartet are performing any night I desire.  I want to feel the timbre of his sax 🎷. When I close my eyes I want to be enveloped by the atmosphere of the space and awash with the impact and emotion being expressed by the musicians.  I don’t want to hear what the engineers hear after they mix a recording...I want to be in the studio when the tracks are being laid down!  So far, Tannoy Heritage Arden have come to my attention, Klipsch Cornwall IV’s, JBL S4700’s or perhaps Spatial Audio X3’s?  Help
Dear @roxy54  : ""  these ridiculous arguments... """

Really?, what is ridiculous is that you post that kind of statements when till today you don't posted any single argument or facts that can tell us why my arguments all over this thread are ridiculous and you did not because you have any due to your very low knowledge levels in those main subjects.

First you need to have first hand experiences, learn and then maybe you can come back and show your knowledge levl up date becaus til now you showed very low levels.

atmasphere is an active  part of that corrupted AHEE ( where we all belongs. ) that impedes you can grow up. He belongs to the deep " dark side " of that AHEE.

He always fail to hit me no matter what. There was no need to post what he posted to you in reference to me and even that he did ( with out reason. ) it and said I'm a troll: go figure ! . Frustration down there, pity.


I made my position clear to you in previous posts. I have never claimed to be an engineer, or any sort of authority, quite the opposite in fact. However, I still stand by what I said concerning measurements versus perceived sound quality. One does not necessarily predict the other.
Concerning what Ralph said to me and my response, that is between the two of us.  
Everyone calm down...it’s all good!  Enjoy what we have in common rather than highlighting our d’où🤗
Enjoy what we have in common rather than highlighting our d’où🤗

is homer simpson an audiogon member????