Looking for Polarity Invert Feature...

Does anyone know of a decent preamp, stand-alone CD player, or DAC that has a polarity invert feature? It seems to be fairly uncommon, but I need that feature (along with good sound) if I can get it. It's important that I be able to simply push a button rather than changing the speaker leads all the time.

Thank you for any suggestions!
One of the first preamps to have the invert feature was the original Atma-Sphere MP-1 (1989). It is the one signal processing feature that we have on our preamps (easy enough to do since our preamps are internally fully balanced).
Spectron Audio power amplifiers and pre-amplifiers have this feature on EACH CHANNEL separately - extremely useful

Can someome explain why one would need phase inversion? I still don't understand....

I assume that it will invert both the L and R channels. So why is it useful?
If you have a recording that was done with 2 or 3 microphones, the effect can be heard. The effect has to do with the fact that audio waveforms are not always symmetrical. Take a look at an audio waveform on an oscilloscope and you will see what I mean. So the theory goes that if the waveform has some asymmetry, that there is only one way to reproduce it right.

The problem is that 50% of all CDs and LPs are 'out-of-phase', so its useful to have a switch. I knew an audiophile years ago that always reversed both speaker leads in order to determine which way was right, and then marked his recordings... a switch is a lot handier :)