Looking for "realistic" speakers

I just had my pair of Cary Audio Silver Oak speakers get fried along with the rest of my Cary gear in some kind of power surge (sniff sniff). And absolutely loved the Silver Oaks because they just made everything sound authentic.

The instruments had the right timbre, scale, the balance was just right, and aside for perhaps a touch of richness had no character of their own. This made them sound great for any type of music.

I can't afford the $8K I spent in the day to replace so am looking for something closer to $2K-$3K max (used Ok). I'm looking less for something with super trick staging, imaging and some of the other high end niceties (though I wouldn't kick them out of bed).

More for a musical speaker that just makes the music musical and the presentation realistic sounding. That makes you forget you're listening to speakers/electronics and hearing the music the way it should sound.

Easy to say, I know.

My preamps and amps are solid state Cary stuff that will be replaced by insurance though sadly the Silver Oaks are no longer made.

Any ideas?
Glad you'll get your claim straightened out. I also live in surge area due to the very old electric wiring going from powerplant. I turn OFF equipment whent it's not being used from the wall completely. Surges may occur during severe weather, high winds or simply when heavier bird may collide with wires(rare case tho since they're usually very smart). Nevertheless, I use Aerial 10T that I consider very realistic and balanced speaker capable of delivering music of any style and ganre just as great.
They used off the shelf drivers, you can get 4 new woofers and 2 new tweeters from Madisound for approximately $ 1200

Pull the drivers out and check the stickers on them for the exact type, the excel woofer comes in two versions.

The Millennium tweeter is still available also

Best of luck

I agree with Peter, I also think these should be repairable, especially seeing how you liked them so much. There could be some damaged components in the crossover as well though.

If you are not comfortable doing the work yourself, there are companies out there that will do the work for you. I am very fortunate to have a very good company like Millersound located close by. If you Google speaker repair, you may find someone close by who could help you out.

Good luck,