Looking for right Mark Levinson Preamp to pair with No 532 Amp

I am upgrading my Krell Vanguard integrated amp and my friend is selling me his Mark Levinson no 532 amp. I primarily use my system for vinyl but occasional stream Bluetooth. I also am currently using KEF R5 speakers. I am going to also upgrade my speakers. I have already purchased the Amp and would like to stay with ML for pre-amp but open to suggestions. Also I have a budget of about $15-$20k that I want to spend and I am willing to purchased pre-owned if in good condition.

Thank you in advance for your expertise.


It’s always been a great combo a good SS amp and vacuum tube preamp 

and Linear Tube  Audio make a exceptional one .

I know build quality better then most having 4 decades in Audio 

originally designed by The well known David Berning ,then upgraded 

better still,   very well reviewed and the Vacuum  tube preamp uses at least 2 different types of tubes , and inside no cheap alps volume pot 

but very high quality resistive ladder ,to relays , check them out and video on build.



Look for a Mark levinson no.32 Reference Preamp and call it a Lifetime ..  :) :)






lThank you, I just read up on the #32 Ref and it sounds ideal but a bit of a unicorn.  What model would you most closely associated with that are more available today.


Defintely the ML 32* if you can find one but I think a SPL, LTA, or Coda preamp would be a good match. I think the 3 would provide a litle more micro-detail.  The LTA Velo is suppose to be a great bargain for the price if you are looking for a tube pre.