Looking for Speaker Input

My system is Luxman C900u pre amp, 2 Luxman M900u amps configured in monoblock mode driving Focal Sopra 3 speakers.  All digital with Aurender W20SE streamer. DAC is Luxman D10x, which doubles as a CD/SACD transport.  My question for the forum is I think the Focals are the weak link.  What speakers would the forum recommend to go with the rest of my gear?
I think your gear is great. I don’t know if you are running subs then add a JL Audio CR1 crossover. This lets you pick the crossover point of your speakers. I know your speakers are awesome and go all the way down. It doesn’t mean you should let them. Sometimes you can over excite the room. If you don’t have subs you should get some. Last but not least and maybe should be first. IsoAcoustic footers or Townshend platforms. You have great equipment but you need to get better control over your speakers. One more thing. If you can use one amp for the high side and one for the lows. I have heard this can help because of how hard the amp has to work. I have tested these theories. I own the crossover and two JL Audio F110 subs. It sounds great even when the volume is on 1. That’s only 2.5% of the total volume. You will not believe the definition you get out of your system. This store in the Chicagoland area is an IsoAcoustic and JL Audio dealer. https://holmaudio.com/
They let you try before you buy in your home. Once you do this you will never change your gear. 
Focal Sopras: twin 8 inch woofers; I'm guessing deep bass performance is your issue, as this speaker I'm guessing plays flat down to the low to mid 40-ish hz range or so.  It might play deeper but at -3 dB or more; that's probably adequate for most music but it sounds like you want to bump it, and jam to some beats.  If you want some "jump" to your system, get a fast sub.  I'm guessing a 12 inch REL or Sonus Faber Sub would do nicely.  A X-over with a sharp 18 dB roll-off would probably work well.  You don't mention your room size; if your room is small, no dice mi amigo; you'll need a bigger room, but if you have a big room, then a sub will work out, I'm guessing.  Good luck.  

Go listen to some Ocean Ways.  Even the small Eurekas are awesome, though they do benefit from a sub to be convincing below about 35 Hz.
Strange no one mentioned the weak link is ALWAYS the room. Next is always the transducers, front end (phono cartridge) and back end (speakers/headphones). Electronics can make a good system great but i offers far less change than transducers. A crap DAC can ruin everything but you don’t have a crap DAC. So......back to transducers.

I would take those Focals outside which is as close to an anechoic chamber you can get at home. Its boundary free almost (ground/driveway is a boundary) so see if you love them outside. If you don’t, buy new speakers. If you do, work on your room to get them close to that outside sound as possible..
Lone Mountain
+1 on the “not a Luxman problem” notion. Idiotic statement. Likely not a Sopra problem as the two brands pair nicely IMHO but recognize there is room to move up. Need to hear more about room and music type.