Looking for the Honda S2000 of turntables

This turned out much longer than I anticipated, so I understand if you folks skip right over this post. For the rest of you, here we go.

I've been reading a lot about turntables for quite some time now. I have learned about matching tonearms and cartridges, resonant frequencies, compliance, azimuth, null points. And still I have difficulty choosing a model. Part of this is simply the number of choices available and the amount of disagreement between posters to forums such as this. But I think the biggest part of this is that one man's trash is another's treasure. People want different things from their turntables.

Look, there are folks out there, and you may be one of them, who are willing to devote time to tweaking and comparing and upgrading to squeeze every last bit of performance out of your systems. This is not a knock; it is clear you are passionate about your hobby and I am happy to see people get so much joy from their music. I wish I had the money, time and ears to conduct such experiments myself, but that's not me and it's not what I am looking for.

Here's what I am looking for in order of importance:

1. Tracking ability. I've read reviews to the tune of "this cartridge is amazing! Such detail, so dynamic! It doesn't track very well, but the slam!" Huh? If it doesn't track well, I don't give a fish how great it sounds. I've heard inner groove distortion and I want to minimize it as much as possible. Now, from what I've read, I should get a high-compliance cartridge because they track best, which means I should be looking for a low-mass tonearm. Except that manufacturers don't list the tonearm mass on their websites (I haven't found any, unless only the ones out of my price range do so) and the online tonearm database only lists mass for a few models, and of those I can afford, none of them are low-mass. Are there no affordable low-mass arms?

2. No fuss. I've read the arguments about VTA, and frankly I don't know what to believe. Some of you guys change it for every record, others never touch it. I want to think about my turntable as much as I think about my refrigerator; I want to open the door and the drinks to be cold. I want to play a record and hear music. If it's really a simple adjustment and makes an obvious difference, I'd consider it, but it's hard to know which of these suggestions are based in reality and which are just black magic.

3. Make my music sound good. I know, duh, right? What I mean is, I want MY music to sound good. I listen to R&B, Soul, and Rock through the 1970s. Up-tempo punchy music. I suspect a lot of these super expensive rigs are necessary to reveal the subtleties of symphonic works. Again, good on ya, I'm happy for classical fans, but I will never ever put a classic record on my platter, so those requirements go out the window. Think Little Richard, Sam Cooke, Beatles, James Brown, Led Zeppelin, Louis Jordan, Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Ramones, Talking Heads, that sort of thing.

3.5 On the subject of revealing detail in recordings, not all my records are in pristine condition and I'm afraid too revealing a system may bring out surface noise to a level I'm not happy with. I've read reviews that label certain cartridges as "forgiving" Is this what they're referring to? Is this something I should consider when choosing hardware?

4. Price. I have $2000 to spend on a turntable, cartridge and phonostage. When I say I have $2000 to spend, it means I have $2000 to spend, not "Well, you can get this now, and then upgrade this and this." No, I have two grand and that's that. That is way more than I spent on my last table (MMF 2.1), so whatever I get will be a big improvement. And I don't WANT to upgrade. I want it to work great now and enjoy it with no eye to the future.

Some of you may be thinking, "Buddy, you should just stick to CDs; this hobby isn't for you." First off, while no CD-hater, I have heard the difference between vinyl and CD and it is appreciable. Vinyl playback can sound alive in a way I have never heard from its digital counterpart. Also, I already have a few hundred records just waiting to be played again.

The best analogy I could think of regarding my quest for a new turntable is cars. There are sportscars out there like Ferraris, Maseratis, etc. that are magnificent machines capable of unparalleled performance and fun. They are also, incredibly expensive and fussy. These babies need to be coddled and primped and maintained not just to run well, but to just plain run! Then, there's the S2000 which is an amazing car in its own right, nimble, attractive and best of all, it's a Honda, which means the thing just works. No constant tweaking and fussing over. Turn the key and off you go. Sure, it's no Lotus, but it's no Civic either.

There we are. Thank you if you've made it this far. I really do respect the collective knowledge of the members of this board and will appreciate any advice that may come my way.
Figuring the expectations of someone whom I do not know is hard, but I don't think one can find the S2000 of analog rigs for $2k, especially a plug-n-play. A good value TT is more expensive than that. Maybe Shrevie knows better for him/herself and having heard a setup in that price range. Maybe he/she has specific goals that can be met at that price. I hope one of those goals isn't frequency response. Try before you buy.
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"Fanboy" is an insipid pejorative, the use of which generally indicates a weak intellect coupled with a mean streak and unbearable sense of inferiority.

Technics has owned turntable sales all over the U.S. since the late 1970s. For reasons I am unable to cite, they were the turntable of choice for radio stations and, later, audiophiles up until both groups migrated to CD.

A stock 1200 series turntable will serve your purposes nicely but, as others have pointed out, you may feel a desire to pursue incremental improvements over time. If so, KAB can provide numerous options at small prices. If not, you will still enjoy a performance level that belies the modesty of your investment.

As for phono preamp, there is really no reason to buy that new. It doesn't have moving parts and is unlikely to reach you with appreciable wear if you screen your seller.

There is a strong tendency to follow the lead of purists and their other followers when asking advice on audio forums. "Me too" disease causes the Amen chorus to conflate unnecessary concerns and standards. Buy what makes sense to you.

I would not be afraid to buy used but you are and you should follow your gut on that matter. Just don't be pushed to inaction by rumors and warnings. There are a lot of Rega owners out there who are very happy and there are 100 times as many happy Technics owners.
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Our OP wants to buy a turntable and use it, not turn it. His will probably not show up for sale on Audiogon. Ditto for hundreds of thousands of other users. Technics is an appliance like the Honda S2000. It does perform very well, and well beyond its price point, but it is not meant for people who obsess about their audio system just as the Honda is not for those who collect pit crew autographs.
Most of the world does not have audiophile disease even though they do like music and do want to listen to it at home and they do see the value in quality audio reproduction. They just don't time their wash cycle or track their refrigerator temperature fluctuations, or perpetually upgrade their water heater looking for quieter operation or quicker temperature rise. Most people research the purchase of their appliances before buying and then put them to use in improving their lives without a thought of upgrade or tweaking for the entire life of the appliance. This is how normal people function. Obsessives, however, rave about minutiae and pursue the absolute sound relentlessly, unaware and unconcerned that they are a marginally sane minority speaking in terms to which the fully functional cannot relate.
So, unless I misread Shrevie, he just wants to be able to play records at an acceptably refined level without altering the normal course of his life for matters other than routine oil changes and tuneups. He asked for a Honda because he wanted a Technics.