Looking to get into tubes?

I am sure this has been covered before but I would like to get very current opinions. After being in this hobby since the early 60's am finally thinking seriously about trying tubes for the first time. An integrated is what I am thinking of. Very cheap or used. Models that have caught my attention:
Onix, Dared, Many good looking offerings on that big auction site, Tec.On....?
I would like something easy to use, set up etc., since this will be my first one. What are all of your suggestions? Thanks P.S. I have efficent speakers
forget about it,you dont need the aggravation at your age trust me Im 60 too.Theres great SS like Mac,Ayre...
if you've made it this far without switching, you're probably in a good place anyway. what is your current ss amp?
I recently made the switch to tubes as well. It is a little bit more than you want to spend but if you can swing it - I have the Ming Da MC34AB. Lots of power, very VERY quiet. I'm driving a pair of Fritz's full-range single driver speakers, the ones with the Merrill driver. It is really a great combination!

Good luck!
The Primaluna Prologue 2 is a nice place to start . It is self/auto biasing and can use a myriad of tubes so that you can experiment to see what you like best . It is well made , quiet and easy to sell when it's time to move on . In stock form it will sound like a nice SS amp . You can warm it up , to varying amounts , with combinations of input and output tubes . The importer , Upscale Audio , is quite knowledgable in this respect . Call them , tell them what changes that you want to make to the sound and they will give a recommendation for a tube change . They also will sell you the tubes .

It doesn't get much easier than this !

While it may not be the end-all/be-all amp for you , it will allow you to learn what type of tube sound that you prefer .

Good luck .
Well to answer JayBo I am currently using vintage electronics. I have a Dynaco Stereo 416 modified by Van Alstine and matching pre as well as a vintage stock Yamaha CA1010 integrated and a heavily modified and upgraded Kenwood 9100 integrated. I know tubes have their downside.... power consumption, HEAT,finicky tubes,HUM etc. but thought I might take a chance if the right amp presented itself on the used market. So, I hope you guys can give lots more suggestions, direction and advice. I see some guys out there are imploring me to stick with solid state. We will see?