Lowrider, FWIW I like Rrog's suggestion re having a 2d CDP that will accommodate older CD's, especially if it is a tubed unit because that allows you to tailor the sound to your system as well as the CD's themselves. Works for me.
BTW, I've found that cheapo new production JJ tubes can also help solve that highend harshness you hear in old CDs. Amperex's are a great tube, but they are not always the best regarding the delivery of the tone that you want, i.e. they are not universal (even though some folks act like they are).
Re using an EQ. That won't really help I think. You will be able to bend the frequency response BUT you will not be able to eliminate the harshness, only reduce the level of it. This has never worked for me.
BTW, I've found that cheapo new production JJ tubes can also help solve that highend harshness you hear in old CDs. Amperex's are a great tube, but they are not always the best regarding the delivery of the tone that you want, i.e. they are not universal (even though some folks act like they are).
Re using an EQ. That won't really help I think. You will be able to bend the frequency response BUT you will not be able to eliminate the harshness, only reduce the level of it. This has never worked for me.