Looking to upgrade my preamp, suggestions?

Decided it is time to try out a newer preamp, have upgraded everything else over last couple of months bar this so...
Present pre is an ARC LS2 with gold lion tube and herbies tube damper.
Rest is Esoteric sa-50, bat vk600se and b&w 804d.
Listen exclusively to rock music, old and new
Important to myself, solid bass, vocals and soundstage, a remote might be nice too...lol
Thinking along the lines so far of bat vk32se, a newer ARC like ls17 or 27. Yes all tubes
Suggestions along solid state lines please?
budget is about 3500 max
Prefer to hear from actual owners of preamps suggested for your actual experiences
thank you all in advance 
I tried many pre-amps under 10k. I ended up with the Gamut D3i stunning musical and transparent. I tried Luxman C700u, VAC R MKII, Hegel P30, PS audio BHK, McIntosh three of them and many others.
Best of luck.

A little over your budget, but I bought a new Rogue RP5 tube preamp for 3500.00 in October 2016.  I like it very much and it gels perfectly with my system.

I'm kinda lovin my ARC Ref 5 SE - got it here on the 'gon. About twice your budget used, but if you're willing to save up, well worth it. VERY transparent, great bass, incredible detail, etc, etc.