Low damping factor but fast& high current SS amps?

fine, fast, warm, fullbodied, cohesive, coherent, great timing

100W minimum, damping factor lower than 100 at 8 Ohms - better options than krell ?
that was my quote, just FYI.
as you correctly alluded: slew rate & bandwidth are related.
You also know that Q=i*t=V*C. so, V/t = I/C. So, slew rate can also be spec'd in terms of how much current into charging/discharging a capacitor.
Damping factor is an indirect measure of the amp's output impedance.
Needless to say, if an amp has higher output impedance (i.e. low DF) then it's more unlikely to supply higher current into the load (as most will be dissipated as heat).
So, there is a relationship between the two.
Negative feedback increases both DF and the bandwidth but it does not mean that high DF = fast amplifier. Amplifier might be slow to start with or have bandwidth intentionally limited at the input.

Slew rate might be important but let's see how much do we need. If music calls for 3V swing at 20kHz it corresponds to 3V*2pi*20kHz=376800V/s=0.38V/us and it is very slow.

It is hard to predict speed from DF. For instance Atmasphere S30 amplifier has extremely low DF=1 and extremely high slew rate of 600V/us.
It's impossible to determine the amps rise and slew rate (or inherent ringing) from damping factor alone. It would have to be put on a scope and stringently tested.