Low end TT vs. Hi end CD

so, i will soon have a good phono stage (supratek), to replace the numark mixer ...

do you think a technics 1200 can sound better than a wadia 860x?

right now, with a cheap cartridge and a cheap phono stage, the wadia kicks the technics butt.... (but i can hear some inkling of how the technics COULD sound pretty good)...
Just ordered couple of records from GEMM.com

what an awesome site. you can find anything! i was really impressed with the selection.

we'll see how the TT sounds with my new phono stage. i'm seriously considering givin up the wadia, making some money to pay down a little debt, AND getting a new TT setup! analog is definitely cheaper than digital to set up.
Yep, sold the BAT, paid off some debt. Auctioned off the Wadia, buyer backed out after auction. Which was OK... I'm still trying to hold on to it.

But I could get some extra cash AND get a sweet TT setup, along with a bunch of new records, by selling the 860x.

I'm going to listen first to some new vinyl, on my 1200, with my current cartridge, and the new phono stage first, to see what i think.

I guess I hope I can hear some of what vinyl can do on the 1200. From your answer above, it seems like I should be able to do that...
Rockinroni: Lame. Hope you got a laugh out of yourself for me. what does this mean? I really do not know what you are trying to express to me only that it sounded negative. Every man is entitled to his opinion. I was not being sarcastic, I thought I made it clear, I did not know how the top end cd players sounded. Only what the reviewers said. I to am open minded and hope to learn something from an exchange of thoughts. After reading stereo mags for 30 years I feel I know when A reviewer is doing a good job. Seams too many people in this thread are getting emotional. The turd comment was made to express my feelings to Denis, That I felt he should spend his money on something else. Not to hurt anyones feelings. I think most people make their equipment choices from their pocketbook restraints, and most of us feel there is a pricepoint associated with every item we choose, where price to us exceeds value. The reason I read so much and buy so little is because I cannot afford it. Its easy to put together a system when price is no object, and you can afford to try the new flavor of the month. That's why we search for knowledge about Hi Fi. So our choices do not negatively impact our wallets. It's great to have a forum like this, where we can all combine our thoughts, and at the end come up with a better understanding of a given topic.
Ron, apparently I misunderstood you, and I am sorry. I thought your post read like dry sarcasm. My apologies. I have not heard either the top CD players or the top turntables, so my opinion is necessarily somewhat speculative and based on limited knowledge, but some real knowledge nevertheless. For all I know, a $20K Linn blows away every other device ever made, but somehow I doubt it. Every piece of gear and type of technology has its pluses and minuses. (An old NAD CD vs. a 1200, on the other hand - no contest!) I won't doubt your sincerity again.