Dear Mikelavigne, - just as a further information: the Lyra Olympos running in Syntax' system has far more output than 0.17mV.
More likely 0.3 mV.
Does the Olympos you own indeed feature less gain than your A90 ?
I am really curious, as the 2 Olympos' I am familiar with (both serial # higher than 50 ), are much higher output ("louder"...) than the FR-7fc with its 0.2 mV.
Are there different versions of the Olympos around ?
More likely 0.3 mV.
Does the Olympos you own indeed feature less gain than your A90 ?
I am really curious, as the 2 Olympos' I am familiar with (both serial # higher than 50 ), are much higher output ("louder"...) than the FR-7fc with its 0.2 mV.
Are there different versions of the Olympos around ?