Low Watt Solid State Amp

I am a tube guy.  Have been for the last 20 years.  I have various tube amps that I rotate depending on my mood.  More recently, I have had the urge to add a solid state amp to the rotation.  Looking for something clean, detailed, natural sounding that is in the neighborhood of 20 to 50 watts.  I use a deHavilland Ultraverve 3 preamp with relatively high efficiency Tonian Lab speakers.  Firstwatt comes to mind but is higher than I want to spend right now.  Budget is about $1,000.  Looking for a diamond in the rough kinda piece.  For example, one of the tube amps that puts a smile on my face every time I plug it in is my Dynaco ST-35 -- not a huge investment, but just always sounds right.  Any ideas are much appreciated.  Thanks
You may want to take a look at the Teddy Pardo ST-60. Great little amp and excellent build.
I too have an appreciation for low watt solid state amps and I use an Arcam CX Alpha 5 integrated amp, which is rated at 45 watts rms. The built in preamp of this unit is exceptionally clean and simple so that it impedes as little as possible the output and runs very cool. However, regardless of its low wattage, as in the Dynaco, (which are amazing as you say) the Arcam easily drives fairly heavy loads, as in my Def Techs. The earlier Arcams (say 1988 through the mid 2000s) were still being made in the UK, and I'm not sure about present models. I think that these are fairly accessible on Ebay, etc. 
I run a pair of Monarchy's. I have never checked the temp,but they do get warm to the touch.