Luxman 590axii vs Pass Labs int 60

Anyone had the opportunity to compare these specific amps? Both are "quasi Class A" amps. I auditioned the int 60 and was extremely impressed and even more so when hooked to the MSB ADC V. How does it compare to the Luxman 590axii? They seem to be in direct competition with each other. Which do you like best?
Anyone here using an external Preamp with the Luxman 590AX II? I'm curious how good the built in preamp is. I'm wondering what a good Tube pre would do to the sound. Maybe too lush??
The Luxman L-590AXII is very very good. I have it matched with Marten Duke 2 and it’s a magical combination. Heaven. I did consider the Pass Labs INT-60 but eventually got the Luxman. Apart from the excellent sound quality, it’s build like a tank and seems to be able to last forever. Bulletproof build quality.

If anyone desires a high quality integrated or wants to get off the merry-go-round of upgrades, this is it. There are other options such as Pass Labs, Gryphon or Vitus which come at a higher price if you want to spend more money.
The luxman 590axii’s pre-amp is mostly c-900u based, which is the best in luxman family.Very few integrated comes to this class. Gryphon Diablo, virus RI-101, Ayre. 
Romney8, that’s good to know.

If anyone is interested in the Luxman L-590AXII, spend some time reading these 2 reviews. In the first review, the lab report shows a power output of 95W/8ohm and 165W/4ohm