Luxman d-08u vs berkeley reference 2 dac

Anyone have any experience with the luxman d-08u or berkeley reference dac 2 for cd or digital playback? If you were to choose one, which would you buy and why. Thanks for any insight!
Not really an answer to your question,but it might give some light on Luxman sound.
 I had a chance to directly compare D-06 player and Burmester 001. Friend of mine had  Luxman integrated (5 hundred something, 30w A class) together with Ascendo C8 speakers and wanted to try and perhaps buy Luxman player.
The dealer who sold him amp and speakers loaned him the player for couple of weeks and I brought than mine player, the 001 for comparation.
To cut long story short, we had an immediate and obvius conclusion that Luxman sounds as it was 'sedated', not in terms of tone or even details, but in sense if its timing and overall perspective that made us feel like songs were played in wrong, slower tempo.
My friend did not buy the player and later sold the integrated amp as well.
Please don get me wrong, I am not saying anything bad against Luxman (as without direct comparation to some other quality gear one would not say that something 'lacks' to that sound ) but I would advise you to try and compare both units in a same time to get the best conclusion
Um D-06 is hardly in the ballpark of a D-08U.  That's like comparing a Esoteric K-07X to a K-01X....2 completely different animals. $5000 piece compared to a $15000 piece.
Even the short and superficial search on internet will show that D06 costs 10 000 usd and that is just one step below the D 08.
However, my only advice to op was to try both machines of his interest in a same time.

D-08U not D-08. A short and superficial search would tell you those are also 2 different models.