Luxman DA-06 Dac...anyone?

Just curious if anyone has heard the new Luxman DA-06 Dac? It was supposed to be released in May. I was thinking of getting the D-06 cdp just to get the digital input but all I really need is a Dac.
I just want to mention that as I stated before there are many factors
If you system is already are on the full side you may prefer the more neutral dac.myself with Krell550 I ,M.I.T HD-23-36 cables and a Wireworld Digital, ,powercords which make a big difference especially the new 7 series.
My speakers probably the biggest factor are a YG Acoustic Carmel's ,
With JL Audio subwoofers.these speakers are Very neutral and are a perfect match for my system.
I would lso like to Mention ,I was interested in Possibly getting a Dac straight from Japan ,but changed my thoughts on this since. My uncle is a pro audio technician ,and he stated the travel and possible cold solder joint possibility,can also short out something else,potential disaster.
I ended up having another conversation with Paul at Goodwins a Hiend audio. Great service and fair price. Buy from a dealer and get the guarantee. I admit now that most times you get what you pay for.
A used product is another topic,one thing though,the reviews on the 06
Are spot on, buy a very good powercord,and if you can afford $500
For fuses adds even more of everything,p,s with a dac this warm
Nature a cable such as Wire world Platinum is recommended,a Audioquest diamond is to much of a good thing -warm,I have tried both,and for sure the the Wireworld is more neutral and detailed.this is for sure !!
Listened to my first DSD music yesterday with the Luxman DA-06. Aurender sent a software update for DSD on my S10 music server. Listened to Dire Straits Mone for Nothing, a Shelby Lynne set, Getz & Gilberto, and Holly Cole's Don't Smoke in Bed. The resolution on these DSD files is just amazing. The depth and soundstage I could't imagine until I head these files. They are so much more revealing than the SACD and red book versions. Couldn't help comparing them. The DSD files aren't cheap though. They were about $25 each and they are huge (3 - 4GB each) compared to the FLAC files I have. Has anyone else used this combination of Aurender S10 music server and the Luxman DA-06. Would love to hear your impressions with DSD vs FLAC files. Can't be just me.
Hello Antanas, how many hours do you have on the Luxman 06 ?
Through the first 100 hours it has gone from real warm ,nice then cooler
And a little fuzzy ,then cool sounding ,in my experience 3-400 hours is neededfor yo tally breakin ,and refinement.please share how many hours
On your unit and changes you may have experienced.
Hello to all after rereading one of the reviews the reviewer has devore9
Speakers on the laid back side ,compared to my Neutral YG Carmel's
Also, he also has a warm sounding passlabs-30 warm sound again.
I can see why it can be so lush .now with my Krell 550i amp,MIT Ht cables
Have a slightly warm presentation ,theKrell using Bipolar transistors
Is slightly ,just slightly warm ,especially with the Synergistic fuses,power cords very important also for flavor,buy silver a bit more air and a bit less warm. I n my system with 100 hrs on the amp,and Luxman ,will report back after 250 hrs but the luxman is warm but not super lush very good detail and dynamics,system matching means a lot .i built this system aroundThe YGspeakers and JL sub combination so far very good.