I should have been more specific: I have been looking for the M-700u and the L-590AXII. I did see 1 of each on usaudiomart, but no success with either listing.
I'm wondering though, how safe it would be buying from an ebay seller from Japan.
Luxman Knockoffs or Counterfeits?
Living in the US, it has been very difficult finding a Luxman on the used market. I see lots of models on ebay selling from Japan. The listings look suspicious to me - different sellers with the exact same photo of the product; sometimes the same photo with one seller naming a different model number than another seller, but using the same photo.
I found one Japanese ebay seller who seems to be legit, Monotokyo, based on seller reviews, but I am hesitant to rely on ebay seller reviews.
Does anyone have information about Luxman knockoffs or counterfeits?